katapi New Study Bible - OLD TESTAMENT in Greek || English (Brenton-Revised Standard Version)

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 ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ Genesis: 1 >>The Septuagint (Brenton)

Notes: This page displays passages from the OLD TESTAMENT.
The katapi New Study Bible reference section displays links to parallel passages, and to direct quotations by New Testament authors to Old Testament passages. Quotations of OT passages by NT authors can in most cases be viewed within their context of the OT passage as a whole, with the quoted text displayed, against a subdued background. I made constant use of my own copies of Swete's Lxx in preparation of the Greek text. Swete's Lxx can be viewed HERE, HERE, and HERE. Brenton's translation can be viewed HERE (... but not bookmarked!. Select by Book HERE). Any mismatches, truncated verses, other mistakes? Please e-mail me.